Events and Reminders
Events and Reminders. Here you can see a rolling list of the most recent records you have worked on with a description of what was done. The magnifier pops a quick view of key information. You can make some events "Favorites" so they stick around awhile instead of rolling off the list. you can also move the event as a "Recent" to Quick Access - Incidents.
"Events and Reminders" will display a list of events that are being tracked by the existing FROL Notifications and Reminders system. Items in the Incidents and Organization lists are specific to the user (i.e. each user will only see the items in their individual list). Items in the Events and Reminders list are tied to the organization level not to a specific user. All users with access to a given organization level will see their events and reminders as well as those generated by all other users. Another fundamental difference is that while the Incidents and Organization lists only track the target of an activity, the the Events and Reminders list tracks the target and the activity. Also, as described below, the Events and Reminders list only tracks incident related activities.
The current Event tracking system records a wide variety of system events as they occur. For the initial release of the new Home page the only events that will be displayed to the user will be the Basic [Create, Update] and Extended [Hide/Delete, Transmit] incident events. This section will also display a list of upcoming, current and past due reminder items. Reminder items follow the default schedule of the current notification system (7 days before due, 2 days before due, the day it is due, 2 days overdue, 7 days overdue).
The Events and Reminders section includes a system for filtering events and reminders to tie the information to the users current logon/pick level. This could potentially result in "information overload" for users at a high level in the organization structure. These users will be viewing events and reminders for all levels below them which could result in a high volume of information and rapid turnover of their Events and Reminders list. In such situations, the user will be able to narrow the scope of the information being displayed by setting their logon/pick level lower in the organization structure. This will reduce the amount of information flowing into the list on their Home Page making the tracking of system activities more meaningful.
Events and Reminders Menu Buttons and actions
"Add To Recents" - this will add the related incident to the Quick Access Incidents list as a recent item
"Add To Favorites" - this will add the related incident to the Quick Access Incidents list as a favorite item
Record Locking - The menu items listed in Quick Access - Organization that are marked with an asterisk are subject to the normal record locking restrictions in FROL. After an item is added to the user's recent or favorite list, it may then be opened and locked by another user. If a record is locked by another user, the menu items marked with an asterisk will not be available to the user. Menu items not marked with an asterisk are always available whether the record is locked or not. Note that the status information that indicates whether an item is locked is only refreshed when the user refreshes their Home Page so if the Home Page information is "stale" it may not reflect the current lock status of the item. So it is possible that a menu item is made available to the user when in fact the item is currently locked by another user. In these instances, when the user submits their request, the server will always check the current lock status and will return a message to the user if the item is unavailable.
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