The Location & Employer Profile changes and why.
The current OSHA 300A report has a SIC Code field that is populated from the FROL profile information. The 300A also has an NAICS item that is not tied to the profile data. If a customer wants to use the NAICS item they have to hand write the value. The logic behind the report pulls the SIC Code value from the location profile if it is available and from the employer profile otherwise, assuming the report is generated at the location level. It pulls the value from the employer profile if the report is generated at the employer level.
For the revised version of the 300A, the SIC Code field has been removed and the NAICS item has been linked to the FROL profile data. A report generated at the location level will pull the NAICS value from the Location profile if included in the Location profile. If not included in the location profile it will use the value in the Employer profile. If the report is generated at the employer level It pulls the value from the employer profile.
To support the above changes, the existing NAICS field that was embedded in the BLS data sub section has been moved up into the common portion of the location profile form directly under the SIC Code field. The context help has been revised to eliminate references to the BLS process. If the BLS process has been enabled for the employer account, then the NAICS is a required field. If the BLS process has not been enabled, it is an optional field.
The behavior of SIC Code/NAICS in all other areas of the FROL app (ITA, BLS, incident reports, etc) is unchanged.
Summary discussion
- Why do I want to take action?
- What if I don't?
- What are the deadlines?
- What are the edit steps I take?
- How do I test the change?
- How do I get help?
- Sample Past Location form in HTML format
- Sample new Location form in HTML format
- Sample Past Employer form in HTML format
- Sample new Employer form in HTML format
Why do I want to take action?
The OSHA 300A report has a value included for the NAICS. Taking action will automatically fill in this value without editing annually or manually. Unless you are required to change the code value it will not need editing in future years.
Another reason is that additional reports that require the NAICS can then automatically be referenced in a future release.
What if I don't?
If you don't add the NAICS value then the printed reports will be blank and require a hand written value for posting the OSHA 300A in February for each location.
Also, the SIC code value you may already have in place will no longer be included in 300A reports.
What are the deadlines?
The values can be entered anytime for the reports to include the values. For the OSHA 300A Summary the posting date is February 1 for the previous year.
What are the edit steps I take?
To update the NAICS Code you edit the Location Profile and/or the Employer profile.
- Manage-Setup-Osha/WC
- location - Edit - Next
- Select a Location from the drop list if you are logged in at the Employer Level
- Next
- Enter the NAICS code value
- Select "Save" or Edit another Location if you have more to update.
For the Employer profile.
- Manage-Setup-Osha/WC
- Employer - Edit - Next
- Enter the NAICS code value
- Select "Save"
How do I test the change?
After adding the NAICS codes at the Employer and/or the location profiles, run the OSHA 300A Summary Report.
- Reports - OSHA
- Select Next if you want a consolidated report at the Employer level or select a Location.
- Next
- ALWAYS Select Next when prompted to Select a Department as these reports include ALL departments.
- Select a year
- Select Report - Select OSHA Summary
- Next
- Open and review.
How do I get help?
Contact us using the usual Help options.
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