You can use the Multiple Record Lost Time function to update the Days Away From Work (Lost Days) or Days of On-job Transfer or Restriction (Restricted Days) for multiple incident records in a single operation. For each incident record the data fields which are available include:
"Update" check box
"Starting Date" input box
"Ending Date" input box
"Lost Time Type" selection list
"Lost Days" input box
"Restricted Days" input box
"Replace Data" check box
"Preview [+]" button
The form presents these field of data for each incident which matches the search criteria you defined on the Data Manager form.
You can calculate lost or restricted time days by specifying a time period based on dates or you can simply type a number directly into the fields provided. If you would like to specify a date range, you have two options available. You can specify both the start date and the end date and the number of days between the dates will be calculated. Or, you can specify only a start date in which case the number of days between the start date and the current date will be calculated each time the OSHA Log is generated.
If you specify only the start date you create an "Open Ended Lost/Restricted Time" incident. For these special types of incidents, the number of lost or restricted days reported on the OSHA Log will continue to increase until you specify an end date and update the database record. To help manage your "Open Ended Lost/Restricted Time" you can use the Data Manager to create a report of these incidents. On the Data Manager form, expand the "Refine Search Criteria" section and in the "Search Yes-No" item list select "Open Ended Lost/Restricted Time" and set the criteria to "Yes". For more details on the Data Manager, refer to the page help topic.
If you define a date range, you also need to specify whether the calculated number of days represents lost days or restricted days. You do this using the "Lost Time Type" selection list.
If you define a date range, you also have the option of combining the calculated number of days with the number of days from prior periods. By default the current number of calculated days is combined with any prior totals. If you do not wish to combine the totals, check the "Replace Data" check box.
After you have specified the required inputs you can click the [+] button to preview the results prior to storing them in the database. For each incident record that you edit, you must check the "Update" check box in order to save your changes to the database.
When the form opens, any incident records currently locked by another user will be disabled and you will not be able to edit them. Also, records which are locked by another user at the time the update is performed will not be updated.
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