Email Notification
This function was designed to easily inform one or more people by email about an incident record stored in their account. The email notification provides enough "non-confidential" information that the email recipient may clearly identify the record and, if needed, login to view the complete record in the secure online data site.
This is not Notification: Events and Reminders. See the "Notifications" article for that feature.
Function Description
- Requirements
- Setup Procedures
- Operation
Email Notification Requirements
- MS Outlook, Outlook Express or Email Agents that support the "mailto" function operating on your workstation.
- Logged in to the application with either "User" or "Admin" Level User permissions
- Admin Level User permissions are needed to "setup" the email addresses in the Location Profile.
- Every Location profile has a unique Email recipient list field.
- The Email list is tied to the location, not the User
Step by Step Setup of an email list.
- Select Manage
- Select Setup to go to the "Setup Select Form"
- Select "Location" "Edit"
- Select "Next"
- Select the Location Profile to edit if prompted by an Organization Selection Form
- Select "Next"
- Scroll to the bottom of the form and locate the "Notification Email(s)" field
- Enter email addresses (150 characters max) seperate multiple addresses with a semicolon
- Select "Save"
Email Notification Operation
- Create a new or edit an existing incident record.
- New records will not show this function until the record is saved at least once
- If you make changes to the incident record be sure to "Save" the record.
- Select the "Click hereā¦email.." Link 7 rows from the top of the form
- Verify the content of the email
- You may edit any or all of the email content and include attachments if you wish.
- Select "Send" in your email agent functions
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