Hospitals and Doctors
Most organizations use the same hospitals and doctors over and over. It is much easier to create profiles for hospitals and physicians, and select from a list, than to manually type the information on each incident report.
Like all other profiles in FirstReport Online, the hospital and physician profiles can be created and edited by clicking Manage>> Setup >> OSHA/WC from the navigation menu at the top of each screen.
It is important to place hospital and physician profiles at the proper level in your organizational structure. If you setup a hospital or physician at the employer level, the name of the hospital and doctor will appear on the selection list for every location within the employer. This would be fine if all the employer's locations are located in close proximity to each other. But it would be a problem if locations are spread across the country.
For example, if an employer has locations in Oregon and North Carolina, the location in Oregon would not want to see the available selections for hospitals and doctors in North Carolina. When the locations are spread far and wide, hospital and physician profiles should be created at the location level in your organization. Profiles created at the location level, will only appear for the specific location that you select.
Use of Hospital and Physician Profiles is optional. You may manually type the information directly onto incident records if you wish.
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