Here you will find a basic list of some data points that may not import into FROL for a variety of reason. This list may be modified from time to time.
Here is the current list. This should contain most of the major items. There may be a few minor changes, clarifications and additions.
Data Import Summary and Limitations
The following types of information will be imported
Establishments (equivalent to FROL Locations)
Claim Administrators
Common incident data
Case Notes
Yearly Establishment OSHA 300A Employment data
Employee Profiles
The following types of information will not be imported as it is stored in the First Report database in a manner that is not compatible with the FROL database:
Incident Cost data
Jurisdiction specific incident data
User Defined Type/Nature Of Injury, Cause Of Injury, Part Of Body
Illegal Characters - these characters ( ' " < > | ) will be deleted from the incoming data along with white space characters (tab, carriage return, etc)
Text Data Lengths - text fields will be trimmed to the max number of characters allowed in FROL. For the long incident related narratives, if the length exceeds the FROL maximum, the first 900 characters of the narrative will be inserted into a new FROL case note for future reference.
Phone Numbers - The First Report application stores phone numbers in a free form text field. FROL phone numbers are split into 3 parts.
The import process will attempt to extract a 3 part phone number. Where the area code is missing, the value 999 will be inserted. Depending on how the original phone number is formatted, the import process may not be able to correctly extract the correct numbers. Phone numbers should be reviewed carefully after importing into FROL.
Required Data Fields - there are 2 types of required data fields in the FROL import process, "required" and "absolutely required".
"Required" fields must be included in the import data but if no value is present in the First Report data, the import process will insert a default value.
"Absolutely Required" fields must be present in the First Report data because a default value will not work properly in FROL. At the moment the only "absolutely required" data fields are the profile "Name" field (CarrierName, HospitalName, etc) and the Establishment (Location) State. If any "absolutely required" data fields are missing, that item will not be imported. The only exception will be the Establishment (Location) fields. If an establishment / location is not imported, then all related data (other profiles, incidents, etc) under that establishment / location would have to be removed also, so in this one instance the missing information will be referred back to the client for correction.
The following default values will be inserted if no value is present for a required field:
Data Type Required Field Default Value
Establishment LocationZip 99999
Establishment LocationCity Location City
Incident EmployeeLastName Last Name
Incident EmployeeFirstName First Name
Incident ReportNumber 2048-999
Addresses - FROL allows only 1 line for the street portion of an address
Departments - In the First Report app, Department Employed is an optional field. This field is required in FROL. An extra department called FROL Import Default Department will be added to each location during the import process. Any incident in the First Report system that does not have a value for Department Employed will be assigned to the new default department.
Open Ended Lost/Restricted times will be converted to fixed values. FROL allows open ended Lost/Restricted times but the First Report format is not compatible. Once the data is imported, the open ended status can be re-created in FROL.
For the Date Of Injury, if an existing date is beyond the end of the current year, the value will be reset to 12/31 in the current year. If an existing date is prior to 1/1/1995, it will be reset to 1/1/1995. Also, if the Date Of Injury is missing, the value will be set to 12/31 in the current year.
Employee Profile Data will be formatted for the FROL inline lookup process. This process uses either the SSN or Employee ID to populate the employee profile fields on the incident form. New customer accounts will be configured to use the Employee ID as the lookup value if it is available and the SSN if not. If neither value is available in an employee profile record, that record will not be imported.
User Defined TOI, COI and POB will not be imported. The user defined codes will be translated back to the base NCCI code.
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