Creating a new account in the FirstReport Online application requires you to enter basic profile information about your account. Once you have entered the required information you are provided one last opportunity to decide whether you want to create the account. If you are confident that you are ready to create your account, then click on the "Create My Account" button and the account will be created. If you are not sure you can click on the "Cancel" button and the account creation process will be terminated and all of the profile information you entered will be deleted. You can restart the process using the same activation UserID and Password.
If you click the "Create My Account" button you will then be taken to the confirmation page. On this page you have access to a new account summary report in Adobe Acrobat format that summarizes the profile information you entered and records the new administrator UserID and Password that were created for the account. The UserID and Password are also displayed at the bottom of the form.
As a minimum you should save the summary report to your hard drive by right clicking on the report link and selecting the "Save Target As" option. You may also want to print the screen ([CTRL] + P) as an additional backup.
At this point your new account is created and fully functional. You can finish the process by clicking on the "Continue" button. This will return you to the main Login page where you can use your new administrator UserID and Password to log into the application.
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