Logon Group Manager Search Form
The Logon Group Manager Search Form allows you to begin the process of creating a new logon group or to select an existing logon group for editing.
In the selection list, the first item allows you to begin the process of creating a new logon group. Select "Create a New Logon Group" and the "Logon Group Name" input box will appear. Enter a name for the new logon group, then click on the "Next" button. The organization select form will appear where you select the first organizational entity to include in the new logon group. When you click "Next" your new logon group will be created and the Logon Group Edit form will appear.
The remainder of the list displays existing logon groups. For each line item, the list shows the name of the logon group in [brackets] followed by up to three levels of the organization hierarchy where the logon group was created. Select an existing logon group from the list. When you click "Next" the Logon Group Edit form will appear.
Logon groups are created at specific levels within the organization hierarchy and can contain any organizational entity of a lower level. For example, a logon group created at the employer group level can contain employers, locations or departments. You will need to navigate to the appropriate level in the organization hierarchy prior to initiating the Logon Group Management Function.
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