Employer Information Form Help
This form allows you to manage your employment information. If you do not wish to input your data on a monthly basis, enter your year-to-date totals in the December column. Items in gray are locked by another user and cannot be modified.
Function description
- The form
- How to figure the "Average Number of Employees"
- How to figure the "Total Hours Worked"
The form
The application can generate report for specific departments, locations or roll up to the employer level on one file.
- Opening the 300A Summary Worksheet via OSHA Reports
- At the top note "Incidents" "Reports" "Manage"
- Select "Reports"
- Select the Organization Level you want included in the report.
- If you are at the Employer level you can edit all at once by "Click Next to Select all..."
- This report cannot be run at the department level, only Location or Employer Levels.
- Next
- Select the year from the drop-down list. Years in red do not contain incidents and will produce blank reports. Note this report is usually run for the prior calendar year.
- Select "Edit 300A Employment Info"
- Select "Report"
- Select the report file link(s) which is located under the "Current Worksheet Data" header near the top of the form if you need to export a copy of the worksheet in XLS format.
- Select "Save" when complete. You will navigate back to "Reports", "OSHA" ... to create a 300A Summary.
- Read the section below for help filling out the form.
- Filling out the 300A Summary Worksheet via OSHA Reports
- For most customers this form is completed once a year with "lump sum" values, not monthly. Here is the info for you. The monthly reporters info will follow.
- Enter the "Average Number of Employees" for the year in the red Total Employees box for the Location
- Enter the number "1" in the red Pay Periods box because you are treating this calculation as a one year total pay period. 12 if you are putting monthly totals in.
- Enter the total hours actually worked ALL year for ALL Employees in the green Dec box.
- Push the blue "+" button to peak at the values that will show on the 300A when generated.
- Select "Save" when finished
- Now for the Monthly reporting customers!
- Enter the number in the red Pay Periods box.
- Enter the "Number of Employees" for the year in the red Total Employees box for the Location
- Special Note: The Total Employees field on the form refers to “The total number of employees your establishment paid in all pay periods during the year.” This means that if you paid 95 employees in 26 pay periods, the Total Employees paid in all pay periods would be 95 x 26 = 2470. This method accounts for employers that may pay differing numbers of employees in each pay period (part time, temp, etc). By summing the number paid in each pay period and then dividing by the number of pay periods you get an average number of employees.
- Enter the total hours actually worked for Employees in the green Month boxes or just put the full year hours in the "Dec" month box if you are not doing monthly entry.
- Push the blue " + " button to peak at the values that will show on the 300A when generated.
- Select "Save" when finished.
How to figure the "Average Number of Employees"
FirstReport Online is designed to perform this calculation for you. Enter the total number of employees and pay periods in the blue fields on the Employment Information Form.
You can view the calculated result by clicking on the "+" button. When you save the information on the form, the calculated number will be stored in the database for use when the OSHA 300A Summary is generated.
How to figure the "Total Hours Worked" by all employees
FirstReport Online is designed to record the man-hour information on a monthly basis and sum the monthly information to obtain the yearly total.
After you enter the monthly man-hour information in the green fields on the Employment Information Form, you can view the calculated total by clicking on the "+" button.
When you save the information on the form, the calculated total will be stored in the database for use when the OSHA 300 Summary is printed.
If you do not wish to breakout your man-hour information on a monthly basis, just enter your yearly total in the December column and leave the other months blank.
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